Tethys 3 represents the latest evolution in the Tethys’s management of detection, classification, and localization information. Tethys 3 offers improvements in speed and accessibility. Due to major upgrades the in the underlying database, conversion steps need to be taken in order to migrate from Tethys 2 to Tethys 3. If you have an pre-Tethys 3 database that you wish migrated, please contact Professor Marie Roch.
Tethys 3 Highlights
Data Explorer
The Tethys Data Explorer is a web application interface for taking a high-level look at the data available on Tethys. Data Explorer provides maps of deployment locations and detection effort, plots of detections, and allows users to download figures and detections for further analysis. Using a point and click interface, Data Explorer permits rapid investigation of data without detailed knowledge about the data schemata used within Tethys.
Data Import
Importing data into Tethys can be accomplished in a number of ways. In addition to the existing Tethys 2 methods, a new data planning tool lets you open an example of the data that you wish to import in a web browser. You can then drag and drop from Tethys fields to your data. This establishes an “import” or “source” map that can then be used to add any data of the same format to Tethys.
Improvements to existing interfaces
Schemata (data layout) changes
We have implemented recommendations by the American National Standards Institute / Acoustical Society of America committee on Acoustic Metadata Stand