When Tethys is installed, documentation can be found in the docs folder contained in the folder where Tethys was installed (typically either C:Program FilesTethys or C:UsersYourAccountTethys). Documentation can also be accessed here.

User documentation

  • Introductory videos are available on the tutorials page.
  • Web Client – Provides documentation for how to query Tethys through a web browser and export data to Matlab, R, and XML. Note that the web client also has a facility for importing data that was a recent addition into the current release and has not yet been documented. From the web client menu, select import data. You will need to select a source map which indicates how data will be mapped from your data source (database, spreadsheet, CSV) to Tethys fields. See the web client manual for details on how to create a source map if you need a new one. You will then need to specify the type of data collection, and how taxa are encoded. The second step is to specify your data source. You specify the database or file type, and the name of the source. If using a database, you will need to specify additional information such as characteristics of the database server and account information. For file import, just drag and drop the file into the file area. If your document has additional data that requires attachments (e.g., a spectrogram image), these files must be dragged and dropped to the attachments area. Finally, click “Start upload.”
  • Data Explorer – Interactive exploration of your data. Point and click interface, no need to wrtie queries.
  • Matlab cookbook – Recipes to get the reader started using Tethys using the Matlab client. Also see the dbDemo.m script in the downloaded software.
  • R client – Documentation of software to query Tethys from the R programming language.
  • Java client – Documentation of software to query Tethys from Java.
  • User manual – Large manual with details on installing, administering, and using Tethys.

Understanding how we represent data